Sacred Creation Call
One Call. A Deep Dive into whatever you want support with.
Calls will be approximately an hour.
We can talk about whatever you need clarity/support on OR we can talk about how to get you more ALL IN/Devoted to something that matters to you. We can talk about business, writing, or life.
Following the Call, there will be four check-ins (on Telegram or What’s App) over the next two weeks to help you stay accountable.
I am astonishingly good at asking questions. One call with me can help you see the next steps you want to take. You bring the thing you want to shift or expand or change and I will help you see it differently. One call with me has gotten a book written, a course created, a ten-year fear shifted, a business changed, a space cleared, money received, and a leap taken. This is just some of them!
You will have an option to do audio only - so you can do whatever you need to do while we talk - multitask however you like, or not. (Unless you want to do face-to-face. It's your call.)
These spaces are offered at a super reduced rate - and they are first come, first-served. My mailing list will get first 'dibs'. (Click here to get on that.)
And for a limited time, you can book four calls as a bundle - and use them however you decide works. We can talk once a day for four days (if you want this option, I’ll even give you the fifth day as a check-in for free!) Or we can talk once a week or once a month, or on your birthday, at the beginning of the new year, the full moon, whatever feels like magic to you.
This will help you remember that you that you are the spell, that time isn’t real, and that your vision is closer than you imagine.