Into the Magic...
A five week adventure with the power of heart magic and unapologetic intention.
There's time to do the whole course before the next live call on July 10.
Here is the Secret:
Intention is our true Superpower.
And when we get really clear about what we truly want (heart-and-mind-in-alignment-clear) and then we get really discerning about how we show up and who and what has access to us (energy-and-attention-and-imagination-and-magic discerning) and then we add in devotion to choosing that intention and aligning our heart and our energy first (oh-I-know-that-one-is-going-to-scare-some-of-you-but-trust-me-its-worth-it), we can create powerful magic in our lives.
And creating powerful magic in your life creates powerful change in the world. (It's an as-within-so-without, all-connected, heart-field situation.)
AND the more fun and ease-filled it is, the better it works!
(As you can see, there's no time left to waste.)
I'm all in. Let's make some magic.

Magic is a moment of connection between you and the Mystery.
Magic is the tingle, the wonder, the enchantment. Magic is the belief in something more. Magic is the delight, the help, the wink, the words, the Divine, the angels, the unexplainable, the miracle, the holy.
Magic is the moments when we remember who we are.

To truly work, magic and intention requires only one thing: clarity.
Clarity isn't something you can force. Clarity comes when your heart and your mind are in agreement. Clarity comes when you believe what you see before you see it. Clarity inspires you to show up and make the magic happen.
Clarity comes from play, devotion, imagination, and practice.
Let's Do An Experiment
Let's see what's possible when we align our hearts and our minds and our magic.
Five Weeks of Pure Magic
What if I told you that the most powerful magic you have is pure intention?
And what if I told you that one of the secrets to the power of intention is being unapologetic about it, and about who you truly are?
And what if I told you that your heart was capable of shifting the Universe?
And what if I told you that with five weeks of devotion to getting clear about who you are and what you want, and practicing some heart magic, you could supercharge your intention setting to wild-and-wonderful levels?
Intrigued? Feeling a bit of truth resonating in that soul of yours? Let's see how far we can push this whole being magical-pieces-of-the-universe thing together.
This is not bypassing or pretending or creating something else for you to be hard on yourself for not doing. It's looking our own selves straight in the eye and doing more of what our soul is truly here to do. Unapologetically.
What Is It?
- Five Recorded Calls ~ and a BONUS live call on July 10.
- Writing prompts while on the call (co-writing the world into being.)
- Conversations (not necessarily in this order) about:
- The difference between wishes/wants/dreams/hopes and intention.
- Clearer than clear. (And ways to get there.)
- Heart Magic and how it relates to microcosm/macrocosm and the VITAL importance of your attention.
- Devotion, Magic Words and Active Participation.
- BONUS: We'll be creating our very own Book of Intention.
What is in it for you?
- Five recorded calls . There is no written component to the course, apart from what you write yourself.
- A change in your relationship with want: understanding the difference between want, desire, wish, hope, and intention.
- Wild conversations with like-minded people about magic and animism and the universe and time and what it's like to live well outside the box.
- A Book of Intention created by you, for you in response to the work we do together.
- Take your manifestation and creation game to the next level (or the one after that.)
- A new way of looking at the energy of right now: microcosm/macrocosm and your importance to the whole.
- No more procrastination or unaccountability.
- Joy. Ease. Proof that magic is real.
Tired of being tired? Let's spend a few weeks enjoying this human gig a bit more. Let's stretch out these bodies, minds, imaginations and hearts beyond the limits of the last few years.
Let's see what these babies can do!
This is not for you if...
- You don't have time to participate in or watch five calls. They are the key to each week's experiment.
- You are currently experiencing or have recently experienced trauma. Spend your time healing your precious self and your heart.
- You absolutely do not believe in playing with time and space, or that the Universe might be trying to communicate with you.
- You aren't ready to show up for yourself in between the calls. It's you who brings the magic.
- You are not interested in trying out new ideas or new concepts. I'm going to be asking you to wonder. A lot.
- You don't think that change or magic or miracles are possible or you don't feel comfortable using words - or hearing me use words - like field, connection, unity, magic, witchy, Source, Universe, Quantum, or animism.
- You need one-on-one support. This is a self-directed course. I recommend working with a coach or a mentor if you want more specific guidance. (Or I offer 1-1 mentoring here.)
This is a magical time to be alive.
Things have changed. Priorities have shifted. Expectations are different.
Do you have one more day to waste being stuck?
If everything else has changed...
why wouldn't we change too?
You are capable of incredible magic just by being yourself.
What is the dream or the change that you know is yours to create? Are you ready to meet it?
Due to the nature of the course and how it is delivered, there will be no refunds offered.
Who Am I?
I am Writer who lives in the jungle.
I believe that the greatest power we have is our attention and that it’s vital that we begin to show up for ourselves as soon as possible.
I believe in Magic, in words as spells, and that books and creative expression are sacred and special things.
I believe that everything counts, that intentions are magical, and that wonder is one of our superpowers.
I believe in you.
I believe that there is no more time to waste: it’s time for you to tell the story that you are are here to tell, and to create the change that you long for.
I believe in us. Let's change everything, together.