This is officially the most unusual offering I have ever made. 

But the Faeries asked me to do it.

And you kind of have to listen when they do.

Are You Still With Me?

All of this talk of Faeries didn't weird you out?

the friends



Then let me explain...

I have a connection to many different decks. I love that each one brings its own energy to a reading. (There are also some decks that I don't connect with at all.)

Whenever I turn to The Faeries' Oracle by Brian Froud and Jessica MacBeth, the weird/not weird-est thing happens.

I can hear them.

You have to understand, I don't 'hear' things. I sense things or just know things, but I don't 'hear' things (being hard of hearing, I guess is part of it.)

But when I have a card from The Faeries' Oracle in front of me and get ready to type something about it, something happens: the Faeries talk to me. And I can't help but type whatever it is that they say, because it's usually clever.

It's a very strange experience.

" Thank you for the most amazing reading!! Every single bit of it resonates, confirms, and aligns with my life right now and how I want it to be moving forward. You're incredibly gifted at doing these readings! The way the cards speak to you and the way you understand them blows me away every time!! Thank you so much for your time and for doing this for me. I'm sending you so much love. XOXOX"

Last week I was doing a Big Juicy Oracle Reading, and I got a notion that the Faeries wanted to have the reading all to themselves.

I laughed and kept going, but the thought came back to me over and over again long after I was finished.

The Faeries want me to offer some oracle readings that are just me, you, and them.

They have things that they think we need to know.

They want to support you as you go into the next phase of your life.

Yes, they think that you are about to go through a next phase of your life ~

And as it turns out, they have quite a lot to say. 


What is it?

  • A Three Card Reading 
  • OR a One Card Reading (The Faeries just insisted on this.)
  • The reading will be emailed to you with pictures of the card(s), and a combination of my reading of the cards and whatever else comes up as I do the reading.
  • I ask the Faeries what they think you need to know right now, or what they have to tell you and write down what comes.
  • A very strange and very unusual oracle card reading that will very likely surprise you, might challenge you, and will hopefully delight you. 

But What Can I Expect?

Honestly? Anything.

There are all kinds of different energies when you go with the Faeries. There's Geeeeooo the Slooow who might tell you something about time and space. There's O! That Gnome who always shows up when we are being too stuffy.

There are Singers and Guardians and Pixies and all kinds of different energies. ANYTHING can happen.

Here's what O! That Gnome said in The Writer's Oracle course:

"The cards have been telling you what you all want to hear. Your collective energy is creating a happy place of support and writerly stuff, but we know that when you try to be Writerly, your writing gets worse. Stop trying to be something that makes sense. The best writers follow the things that make no sense and by doing that they make them make sense. Everyone can write important things, you all need to start trying to write impossible things and see what happens then."

(See below for another, longer, even better example from a reading.)

O! That Gnome

Are You Interested?



Yes, please!



From The Faeries:


A message from a previous oracle reading...

"Humans so often have the response of being overwhelmed and then stopping and turning it off, or stepping away intending to get back to it later, and then not going back - not because they are doing anything wrong but because another overwhelming thing stepped ahead of it in line.

Humans spent most of their lives overwhelmed. You think that there’s so much to fix. You think that there’s so much that you have to be/do/have/create/grow/clean/BECOME."

(One of the faeries went DUNDUNDUNDUN when they said that - like a comedy doom noise.)

"Did you know that humans are the ONLY BEINGS in the whole world who try to be everything? I mean seriously. Look at this deck you are - well, Meghan is - holding as an example:

Do you see it?

EVERY faery is different. Every Faery has a purpose. Every Faery has a point. Every Faery has a gift. If we were all trying to be each other, there’d be no oracle decks would there? If elephants tried to be squirrels, then where would we be?

Humans look for differences and magic in nature and in oracle decks and even in clouds in order to explain what it all MEANS.

And then you try to be everyone else instead of the magical you. Which oracle card would you be? What would YOUR message be?

Answer that and you’ll skip YEARS of wondering what’s wrong with you because you’ll realise - FINALLY - what’s RIGHT!"

The Topsie Turvets

P.S. I know, this is weird. And vague. But I promise you that if you trust me to do a reading for you, what will come through will be unusual and surprising and very very often fun. This will be unlike any reading you have ever had, and they may give you a bit of a booty-nudging, but they always, always tell me something that - if I listen - changes things for the better.

Are you ready...



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