Decision + Belief + Intention + Action = Momentum

Looks easy right?

It SHOULD be easy right?

But where in there is the + for all of the busy and all of the feelings and all of the shame and guilt and judgement we add when it ISN'T easy and we stop, or we don't show up, or when our thing is the thing that has to go to the bottom of the pile in a busy busy life?


What if everything you have been taught about the 'rules' of showing up is wrong - for you?

Momentum is Magic.

I was preparing for another course and I wrote those words down, and I felt a tingle: There, there it is. That.

This shift; this step; this decision is the key to the rusty old lock that you didn't even know was there waiting to be unlocked. It puts everything else into a whole new light. It IS the way - and it's the opposite of what we have been taught.

Showing up with devotion and doing something towards what you want - in the way that works best for you - over and over and over again, creates momentum. 

And momentum creates the magic that you are searching for. 

From now on I am going to...

Ugh, I always do this.

Why can't I just...

Starting tomorrow, I am going to...

Why bother, I never...

If just knowing what to do and doing it, or if following a plan that someone else created, or if shame, blame, and guilt were the answers, we'd already BE where we want to be.


You're smart. You know the way. You are capable of amazing and astonishing things. You know what needs to be done. You know what to do to get there. But when it matters - when it REALLY matters just to YOU, then so often no matter how focused you are to start... something happens and you stop.

And then you are hard on yourself.


We've been sold accountability - discipline - as a magical answer - but what happens when the course ends or you stop reading the book, or you get sick, or life happens and you stop?

You don't blame the accountability, you blame yourself.

What you are doing isn't working. What we've been taught isn't working.




You are powerful. You are amazing. You are complex. You are magical. You are capable. You are astonishing. You are a miracle.

I believe that you came in to fill a you-shaped space in this world; that you are here to create and to make ripples that only you are capable of creating; ripples that will shift the world in a way that you will never really truly understand.

You are UNIQUE.

So your path to magical life/business will be unique too.

If this resonates with you - I am offering you a chance to be a part of the very first group of adventurers that I am taking into a strange an unusual space - a space of DEVOTION to our own way.

We are going to release judgement as a way of being.

Because, dear one, THAT is what we have been taught.

And using that as a compass will never - NEVER - get you where you want to go.

What is it?

May 7 - August 27, 2023


  • 4 months of live classes. (May - August) Calls will 'officially' be an hour, but I try to stay as long as people need. Your clarity matters. Supporting you as a part of the group, matters. If you show up, so do I. 
  • Calls are 2x a month, on Zoom, on Sunday mornings at 10am CST (Costa Rica time). Calls are all recorded and uploaded within 24 hours.
  • EXTRAS! (I always do extras - this could be extra calls, co-writing sessions, workshops, trainings... it depends on what comes up.)
  • A Private Telegram group.
  • You will be in the first run of this new offer and receive this work at the best-ever price.
  • Course members will receive a discount on the upcoming Momentum is Magic community (coming September) AND the upcoming Write the Book Club course (because you'll be SOOOOOO ready to simply rock that.)



Who is this for?

This course is for you if you are willing to look at what you are doing and maybe try to do things a bit differently.

This course is for you if you are ready to stop feeling stuck in old patterns of start-stop-guilt-shame-stuck-start.

This course is for you if you are willing to spend a little bit of time each or most days doing something towards your dreams or towards making the change you are looking for. 

This course is for you if you are willing to stay with it and wonder about your 'old' patterns with love and curiosity.

This course is for you if you are ready to have me ask you big questions that might shift things in a pretty amazing way.

This course is for you if you enjoy really powerful and rich conversations about life, the universe, and magic in a circle of other wonder-full women.

This course is for you if you feel an inkling, right now, that it might be. 


Join us.

But it's over the summer...


If you start with me in May, and you stick with it, you will be in a place of devotion by summer. Imagine coming out of the summer knowing - knowing - that you are firmly and unshakeably on your path; that taking time off doesn't mean that you will stop. Imagine WANTING to show up for your way, and doing it with joy and purpose? And not having that take anything away from all of the other things you have to/want to do?


STOP limiting yourself by how it has been in the past.

That isn't the way it's going to be from now on.

From now on, you actively and consciously choose the way.


I'm in.

Due to the nature of the course and how it is delivered, there will be no refunds offered.

Meg rainbow

 I am Writer who lives in the jungle.

I believe that the greatest power we have is our attention and that it’s vital that we begin to show up for ourselves as soon as possible.

I believe in Magic, in words as spells, and that books and creative expression are sacred and special things.

I believe that everything counts, that intentions are magical, and that wonder is one of our superpowers.

I believe in you. I believe that you are the one with the key to freeing yourself. I can help you find it.

I believe in us. Let's change everything, together.