What if Christmas Was Truly Magical Again?

"What if Christmas", she thought, "Was about something much more...?"



As I walked through the aisles of a shop, two days before Hallowe'en, I saw some employees hard at work, beginning to 'put out' Christmas. It was all pretty and glittery and in-sta-gram-able.

Three nights later I curled up with my first holiday movie of the season.

I watched the cute actress in her impossibly decorated house make hot chocolate and cookies with her incredibly supportive parents, and I began to wonder about our Christmas checklists and holiday expectations. 


Are your own spirit, your true joy, your own dreams, your true nourishment, your own delight, and your own inspiration on your Christmas checklist? 

Does How You 'Keep Christmas' Delight Your Spirit?


Spend December with me...

Give yourself a gift: take just a few minutes every day to check in with that big beautiful heart of yours. 

Discover what really feels good during the holiday season and do more of it (and - joyfully - less of what doesn't.)

Join me and write your way through the holiday; remembering who you are, what you want, and what matters to you, and creating a life of enchantment while you are at it.


This December - play with writing, wondering, and delighting your own self.


I'm in.

What is it?

I believe that you delighted is the most powerful magic there is.

The. Most. Powerful. Magic.


The Write Before Christmas is 24 writing prompts that are all invitations to remember and to play with what you love, what enchants you, what you want more of, and how you can make both the celebrations and your days feel GOOD.

So often we get to the end of the holidays and we wonder what just happened?!  When everyone else's happiness and joy is our whole priority, we lose ourselves in the season.

When you shift to being intentional first, you can actually bring even more magic to the holiday for you AND for everyone you love.

When you spend the season in Devotion to actual Joy, you can't help but have Peace, Goodwill & Enchantment as the side effects.

What do I Get?

December 1 ~ 24, 2024

  • 24 emails - sent right to your inbox so you don't have to worry about logging in or finding anything.
  • 24 journal prompts, all created to help you move through the season with grace and joy.
  • One magical gift for you on Christmas morning that you can open whenever you want and use all year long.
  • Extra Goodies: Extra helpings of questions, sent in a different email so that you can open them and answer them when you have time.
  • Extra Goodies: An special extra email for New Year's journalling.
  • NO pressure. Each of these prompts is about making more time, not taking it up.

Creating a more magical life begins with a few moments of wonder.

Take a moment.

Put a pen to paper.

Make space for wonder.

Write, and think, "Oh, I hadn't thought about it like that before."

Set an intention.

Move into your day already feeling more aligned, more magical, and more on purpose.



Magic comes when you make space for it.

Especially write before Christmas. 


Who Am I?


I am Writer who lives in the jungle.

I believe that the greatest power we have is our attention and that it’s vital that we begin to show up for ourselves as soon as possible.

I believe in Magic, in words as spells, and that books and creative expression are sacred and special things.

I believe that everything counts, that intentions are magical, and that wonder is one of our superpowers.

I believe in you.

I live in the jungle, and I own more decks, oils, and crystals than anyone really needs. You're safe here. And loved.

I pretty much always smell like incense and Mystery.

And I believe that now - right now - is the very best time to begin to create your own magical life.

Join me on this adventure?

Made of Magic