With The Faeries

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With The Faeries

NOTE: Any Reading Bought now will be with you on or before November 30.

An Unusual Oracle Reading: Me, You, and the Faeries.

Around three years ago I was nudged by the Faeries to offer some oracle readings just using their deck.

This is a strange thing, because they didn't used to like doing readings for other people at all.

But now they say it's time. I'm ready - they finally trust me to just say what they want me to say - and some of you are ready too.

It's my favourite deck to read with because - well, it takes over. I start typing what I think and then the Faeries step in and say what they want to say.

It doesn't happen with any other deck. I'm always a little weirded out by it.

I can't explain it, but it's magical when it happens.

The Faeries say that there are a whole lot of people reading this who are going into a new phase, or doing something that means that they need a bit of motivation (they are all laughing at the idea that they could motivate anyone), and they want to help. They say:

It's time. You know it's time. You have been waiting for a sign, well this is the thing that happens when you ignore the signs because you expect them to look or feel a certain way. We'll be the sign you are looking for or the big fat message you need to get you moving again. You humans are all so tired and we understand, these times have been too much - but if you wait for a sign while you are feeling the too much you definitely won't see the sign. You have a thing to think and then to do. We've decided to help you. You might not like it, but you'll love it or at least know it's better than waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting because... 

They wanted to leave you waiting. Seriously. They think that's funny.

I know - weird, right?

If you're up for readings that are like that, then one of these is probably for you!

GBP 144
Total due GBP 144

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