Create it.

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Create it.


"Desire that is fully embraced always leads to a beneficial outcome.

It is after all a pure life energy within us."

- Richard Rudd



I'm ready. You're ready. It's time.

It's time for us to stop trying to be so good.

It's time for us to gather together and write our lives into being

Create It is a monthly gathering of Seekers, Wonderers, and Creative Souls.

It's for anyone who wants to more actively participate in creating their reality.

It's a 30-45 minute call where I will teach about a topic relating to creating, and then we will all write together.

What will we write? Magic. Creation. PLANS. Intentions. We’ve got the FREEDOM to change and experiment.

It's co-creation: You. Me. The Universe. You know, magical stuff.

(It's NOT just for Writers. Not even a little bit. But yes, we will be writing.)


It's about experiments and play. We're coming back to the innocence of I wonder.



Create It is all about:

consciously creating our lives, together,

learning how to delight yourself,

and knowing what you want and then writing that into being.

With the accountability of a ‘class’ to attend.

And there will be more. There always is.

What is it? 

  • It's a live call/gathering once a month on zoom.

  • I teach each month on co-creation, making magic, or writing your life into being.

  • We all embark on a monthly experiment beginning with 'scripting' things for the upcoming month together. (These experiments will help you find one that is MAGIC for you.)

  • Then we all commit one thing to make those dreams real.

  • A recording is sent out to everyone (jungle willing) within 24 hours.

  • Monday 9:30am CST / 30-40 mins (Costa Rica time) (recorded so you can do it whenever works for you.)

  • PLUS! Membership in our Telegram Group where I come in almost every day to answer questions, ask questions, and go deeper into the teaching.

  • PLUS! A bonus challenge (in August) all about Good Fortune

  • And it's all only £11.11 a month*.

*There's no obligation. There's no "you have to commit to six months". If you stay, wonderful! The only thing that might happen if you go is that if you want to join again later, the price might be different.


"Without commitment, action lacks power or direction and above all, it lacks luck."

~ Richard Rudd



Join us and decide what you want to create next.

Commit to it.

Spend 30 minutes a month deciding what you want, and then show up for that for the rest of the month.

Then come back and celebrate what you have created.

Then do it all over again.

Devotion as a cyclical practice. In and out. Expand and contract. Then show up again.

This is the gentle accountability (without having to be told what to do) you have been looking for.

This is the magical motivation you have been wanting.

This is a gentle nudge each month in the direction of your dreams - that you get to have every month!

And there'll be more. I always give you more.

Join us. 

Give Luck something to find.



GBP 11.11
Due today GBP 11.11
renews monthly

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