Value & Vision

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Value & Vision


When we align our time with our values, desires, and vision, we become aligned with time itself.

What is it?

Don't wait to make magic, make now magical.


  • A 3+ hour recorded workshop.
  • An Unusual Vision Board-adjacent exercise. (There's pre-work!)
  • Journalling prompts.
  • Creating a Vision for 2025 - or for whenever you want a vision. I did not 'date' this work.
  • The Worst Planning Workshop Ever (TM) - or The Best? For the next three months.
  • A Ritual/Spell* to embody this vision for yourself.

Magic isn't something you do, magic is the way you live. And it's 100x more potent if you know who you are and what matters to you, and then decide where you are going.

GBP 111
Total due GBP 111

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