Meghan Genge



I am the Magical Sister-Aunt-Witch-Oracle-Creatrix energy; the fiercely encouraging, question-asking, power-expanding, permission-giving support that you have been longing for.

I am here to help you create what you are here to create.

Let's get it into the world.

I live in a treehouse in the jungle, and I own more decks, books, oils, and crystals than anyone really needs.

And you know you're safe here. Loved. SEEN.

And En~Couraged.



I know what a magical life and creative business feel like because I live them.

Every day. Unapologetically.

My work will support and invite and even delight you as you remember your truth. Always.

No matter what your mother told you 'good girls' do.



I encourage wonder, and rebellion, and moments-with-the-Mystery. 


The best place to start with me is by having a look at my offerings.


AND... sometimes... I work 1:1 with people who are ready to show up, align with and then create from their own magnificence - whatever that looks like and wherever you want to start. If that's you, you already know it's time.




I know you are magical.

And if you are honest, so do you.

Let's see what happens when you live from there.


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Born when my parents ran a summer camp, my earliest belief systems were created in a world where anything was possible.

After training as a teacher and teaching all over the world - whether in classrooms, in forests, at retreats, one-to-one, or online - and being committed to a daily practice of writing every day no matter what for over 6 and 1/2 years, I now know that the single truth is this: everything we were taught to believe about ourselves is wrong. We are, in fact, deeply good, deeply powerful, and very very magical.

I know that we are the modern-day alchemists. Our magic is not in dusty corners or secret gatherings or strange materials. Our magic – and possibly the greatest power in the universe – is in our imagination; in our authentic expression.

We simply need to remember how to show up for it.


I am a strange combination of Mystic, Realist, and Word Witch, because words and wonder are where my own creative power is most nourished and potent.

I am a guide for those who are ready to remember who they are, who want to discover their own potent creative power, and who are ready to embody their own magic.


I am a guide for Writers who know that words are spells and that writing is magic, and who want to have support as they claim themselves as a writer, write their book, create another offering, or step into a more devoted writing practice.

I see your magnificence, and I won't let you look away from it any longer.


My novel is called Unfurl. It’s all about one woman’s magical journey. It’s a book that has made hundreds of women write to me and say, ‘it’s about me!’

I wonder if it is also about you?

I am currently working on a long-awaited new book.

In 2015 my husband and I took an enormous leap of faith and moved to the southern zone of Costa Rica. We sold 90% of our stuff, shipped the rest, and we are now consciously building a life from the ground up.

Want to know more? Sign up for my Newsletter.

I offer a limited number of spaces for people who are really ready to start shifting onto their more beautiful, true, magical path. Come see if one of them is for you and let's get started.

What I'm up to on Instagram…