Words are Spells and Writing is Magic.


I wrote my first full-length novel when I was 12. It was a fantasy novel, inspired by a space I discovered under the roots of a tree.

I have been writing every day no matter what for more than 7 years now. 

Words are the way I make sense of the world. Books are a portal to a realm of possibility. I take them very sloowly - letting the phrases and spells take their time with me.

A few years ago, I had a dream of all of the unwritten books. They were all waiting for their people to get brave enough to write them.

Every time I tell other creatives that I wrote a book, they get a dreamy expression, and I can see the unwritten books in their eyes.


Don't make your book/ your work/ your poems/ your worlds/ your art/ your magic wait any longer.


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This is where to start... 

Click here to join me in a free writing course.


  This is what I know for sure:

...that words are spells, and writing is magic,

...that time as we know it isn't real,

...that today is where ALL of the power is, and

...magic comes from desire, clarity & action.


 Your book is waiting for you to write it.

There is absolutely no more time to waste.


This is the most important thing...


Whether you work with me or not, please begin.

What matters is that you are creating - that you are listening to your instincts - because what you do today will line you up with what you are meant to do tomorrow.

And here's the biggest secret: you aren't writing A Book today.

All you have to do is show up today and write something: write a sentence, write a paragraph, write a page. Then do that again tomorrow. Eventually all of your todays will come together and there will be a book.

Write today. Today is where all of the magic is.


Are you ready? 

I also offer a very limited number of opportunities to work with me 1-1. 

This is book coaching where I support you from idea to completed first draft.

I've got you. And so do you.

I'm All In.

It's Time.

Your book is waiting for you.

Write it.

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Come and write with me...

Click here to join me in a free writing course.