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Hello there!

What a packed and delicious call that was.

“…none of this is about doing what you are doing now in a better way. The access point to the portal is new. And the new is where the ‘how’ is for the desires you have.”

-Elizabeth Ralph


Transparency: that link is an affiliate link. I am an affiliate for exactly two things and she is one of them. I relate to her that much. Because I know at least one of you will ask, the other is Living Libations, but there I am only in it for the products - lol.)


Journal questions:

  1. Write down a specific result or outcome that you want to happen by the end of this season or the end of this year. One that you want so much that you are truly willing to commit to it.
  2. Are you willing - truly willing to commit to it for the next 3-6 months? Yes? Great, No? Pick something else.
  3. WHY? Why do you want it? BE AS HONEST AS POSSIBLE. And pick a date or time to do it by

  4. What are you going to commit to DOING that is new - that you haven’t tried before - and that might be uncomfortable but that feels like a way to get there?

My example: 

I am committed to building my strength and cardio this month so that I can climb The Lookout Trail at Algonquin Park when I get home in August. To guarantee that this happens I am going to walk up the hill behind my house four days a week (or do some other physical movement) and I will never miss a Monday!



The Letter -


NOTE: at this point it doesn't matter if you use words like "I intend" or "I commit" or whether you say things like they have already happened. Figure out what works best for you. Dates really help with that if you feel up to playing with them. What feels true for you and that you can believe in the outcome is what matters.



  1. Dear ______________
  2. Include the commitment sentence that we just did.
  3. Pick two more things that you want - anything as long as they are true and that you really want them (make at least one fun and one of them something you know is going to happen but that you set a really juicy intention for. 
    • For example:
      1. One could be: I had an unexpected cash windfall this month! I feel so excited about how magically it happened. (This one is fun for me.)
      2. Or one could be a bigger dream like: I am so exited! This is the year I sign my first book contract. (Also fun for me, and a big dream tied up together.)
      3. And the 'something you know is going to happen one' for me this month could be: I am so grateful that my trip back to Canada was so easy and so smooth. The whole day felt magical and delightful and I intended that for everyone I met that day to have a wonderful day so that me and all of my fellow travellers also did. It was a Delightful Day ripple effect! Thank you! 



  1. Play with the feeling of something being DONE! (And so it is/It is done/So Be it/Amen.)
  2. Write or read the letter 2x a day (read it after brushing your teeth - because that’s DONE!)
  3. Show up and do what you committed to do as often as you committed to do it for one month. IF YOU DON’T for a day or twelve, don’t get mucked up in wrongness, just show up again and do the thing. Let’s vow to stop wasting our precious life vitality in should’as and wrongness.

And please come to the Telegram group and 'use' us as your accountability partner. Check in. Say, "I'm doing this now." You don't even have to tell us what it is!

And don't forget: Good Fortune is Coming!!

I can't wait to see what happens this month.

With so much love,

meghan signature


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