Creative Life Creation - Time Witchery
Do you want to experience Time Witchery? Do you want to transform your relationship with life and time?
Make the magic, create the creation, launch the business, make the change, write the book.
Know that you can. I am here to support you every step of the way. All I ask is that you are all-in too.
This is mentorship and support for those who want to live their true path, create their true work, and write a new story for themselves WITH accountability. No bullshit. No hiding. No time to waste.
If you show up for this, you will be somewhere different six months from now.
This is powerful co-creation and wild magic. This is focusing on where you want to be. 100%
We will have many many many discussions, and I will help you get where you decide it's time to go.
You're ready. You want transformation.
Create the life you want.
All in? Then let's go.
This is a 3 or 6 month partnership.
What's included:
Three or Six Months 1:1 Coaching.
DEEP MAGIC* conversations - as many as we can get in.
Accountability check-ins.
Deep work, oracle readings, personal guided meditations, potions and support work. This is the magic that goes with the magic. Ritual and intentionality are everything.
1:1 messaging between calls (Mon-Fri)
Space in any course I offer during our time together (except retreats)
DEEP, BIG, WIDE, TRUE permission. YOU can be and do anything you want, if you give yourself permission.
MP3 recordings of the calls.
This WILL shift you. This will help you to create a powerful shift in your life.
Make the art, create the creation, launch the business, make the change, write the book.
Know that you can. I am here to support you every step of the way. All I ask is that you are all-in too.
Let’s do this. (Please email me with any questions if you want to talk first.)
UK bank transfers also accepted.
US & CANADIAN customers who want to pay in US or CDN, this is available for $1100/month via Paypal or Cdn bank transfer.
And yes, more flexible payment plans are available - provided at least 1/2 of the full payment is made before we start.