Create it.


Create it 1000x


"Desire that is fully embraced always leads to a beneficial outcome.

It is after all a pure life energy within us."

- Richard Rudd




I'm ready. You're ready. It's time.

It's time for us to stop trying to be so good.

It's time for us to gather together and write our lives into being

Create It is all about:

consciously creating our lives, together,

learning how to delight yourself,

and knowing what you want and then writing that into being.

With the accountability of a ‘class’ to attend.

And there will be more. There always is.


It's about experiments and play. We're coming back to the innocence of I wonder.



The world is so bananas right now, and what is needed more than ever is people re-claiming what they want, remembering how powerful they are, and understanding just how important their choices are.

But it’s vital to not take all of that so freaking seriously. We are not broken. We are not something to be fixed. You can’t get creation wrong. You just can’t. Creation is delight. Creation is uncertainty. Creation IS messy. But that is where the magic happens.

Screw perfection (and pinterest). I mean it. Showing UP is what actually matters.

Perfection is a sign that you are playing a much shorter game.

And trust me: the longer game is where it’s at.


We need a space to remind ourselves that we are not just the chaos, we are the cosmos.

We are not just the work, we are the dreamer. 



crystal ball

I truly believe that when we begin to lift ourselves out of this world of algorithm and noise; of being directed and distracted, we can move back into being the leaders of our own lives.


Yes, the world is overwhelming. AND I believe that when we are grounded in what we want to create (no matter what that is) and we commit to that, and we let it delight us and lead us, and we show up for it, how we show up for that world will change.

So I created Create It.

Notice there isn't an exclamation mark at the end? This isn't an exclamation, this is a complete sentence. This is a decision. This is whole-heart yes-ness to you creating your life, your days, and your magic.


Create It is a monthly gathering of Seekers, Wonderers, and Creative Souls.

It's for anyone who wants to more actively participate in creating their reality.

It's a 30-45 minute call where I will teach about a topic relating to creating, and then we will all write together.

It's co-creation: You. Me. The Universe. You know, magical stuff.

(It's NOT just for Writers. Not even a little bit. But yes, we will be writing.)


What is it? 

  • It's a live call/gathering once a month on zoom.

  • I'll teach a bit each month on co-creation, making magic, or writing your life into being.

  • We'll begin a monthly experiment AND then - 

  • We'll 'script' our upcoming month together. (We'll experiment with different ways until you find one that is MAGIC for you.)

  • Then we'll all do one thing to make those dreams real.

  • Monday 9:30am CST / 30-40 mins (recorded so you can do it whenever works for you.) AND there will be 'suggested times' to watch on other days if you want to 'have a class' to attend.

  • There's not a lot of group discussion during the 30-40 mins, because this is about getting to the business of creating our own worlds. Discussion can and may happen after the recording is finished.

  • PLUS! Membership in our Telegram Group where I come in almost every day to answer questions, ask questions, and go deeper into the teaching.

  • PLUS! A bonus challenge (in August) all about Good Fortune

  • And it's only £11.11 a month*.

*There's no obligation. There's no "you have to commit to six months". If you stay, wonderful! The only thing that might happen if you go is that if you want to join again later, the price might be different.



"Without commitment, action lacks power or direction and above all, it lacks luck."

~ Richard Rudd


Join us and decide what you want to create next.

Commit to it.

Spend 30 minutes a month deciding what you want, and then show up for that for the rest of the month.

Then come back and celebrate what you have created.

Then do it all over again.

Devotion as a cyclical practice. In and out. Expand and contract. Then show up again.

This is the gentle accountability (without having to be told what to do) you have been looking for.

This is the magical motivation you have been wanting.

This is a gentle nudge each month in the direction of your dreams - that you get to have every month!

And there'll be more. I always give you more.

Join us. 

Give Luck something to find.





Someone wrote to me and asked what Create It is.


So here is the concise, specific version.


Create It is a 30-40 minute call once a month where we come together as a group and hold ourselves accountable to what we are creating in the next month.

I start each call by teaching for a few minutes on a topic that supports us consciously creating our lives.

After I teach, there will are instructions for writing and we will write together. We 'script' the next month/months. We will decide what we want, what we believe and what it is we want to happen/what happened

The chat is be there for people to respond/react/share.

Then we come back together and I give another instruction and end the 'recording'. As long as there is time, I open the call up to conversation and community.  

Those who don't want to be on camera or talk never have to be. You participate fully in your own space and place.

Those who want to share and chat are able to do that too.

There is be homework. There is something to do every day - or most days - to keep you on track. 

Everyone gets the recording as soon as I can do it and jungle willing.

PLUS! You get membership in our Telegram Group where I come in almost every day to answer questions, ask questions, and go deeper into the teaching.

And there is a bonus challenge (in August) all about Good Fortune

It's alllll about accountability and showing up for your own Self and lining up with who you are and what you want. Every month. In a circle of people who are also holding that intention. A group holding an intention makes so much more magic.

We'll be doing some 'theme' months on: MONEY, HEALTH, HOME, PURPOSE, etc.

ALL for £11.11. And it won't change from being £11.11 for the foreseeable future and never for you as long as you are with me.

If you start with us today, by next month you'll have already done a month of it.

That's what it is.

I am absurdly excited about it! I know the power of group intention holding and this feels like we are going to make some amazing magic.

I really hope you will join me.




Create it 1000x