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Choose Your Own Adventure

Hello there!

I’m shaking it up today. There’s no video, and instead of me teaching you, I have some options for you -

I know (because I can see all of the statistics) that some of you have stopped, some of you have kept up, and some of you are somewhere in the middle.

It’s still Good Fortune month, no matter when you are doing it!

So I’d like to ask you to have a look at how you are doing - WITHOUT JUDGEMENT.

Here’s today’s question: What if everything you do is information?

INCLUDING the way that you come to an e-course.

Nobody is perfect, and e-courses by their nature tend to bring up all kinds of information for us.

Why? Because we only sign up for what is important to us. You wouldn’t sign up for a course that didn’t matter to you in some way.

And when things matter to us, they bring all kinds of opportunities for growth/change/introspection/meaning with them.

So in many ways, an e-course is a magical spell; an oracle to help us see more of who we are/ what we want/ and how we can better understand ourselves.

Journal Questions:

  1. What am I enjoying about the course?

  2. What am I resisting?

  3. My most challenging day so far was… (hint, if you have stopped, use the last one you did as this answer.)

  4. What information can I take from that? Or how is that an oracle message for me?

  5. Where has Good Fortune shown up for me this month?

  6. My favourite day so far was…

  7. Because…

  8. I’m going to spend the rest of this month…

I invite you to choose your own adventure from here:


And no matter what you choose, you can always choose again.

Option 1:

Keep going. Pick up exactly where you left off and keep going. (Know that there is no behind. NOTHING about you or how you are doing this is wrong.)

Option 2:

Start in the middle. Don’t worry about what you missed. Start in the middle and then when you get to the end, go back to the beginning. Free yourself from every bit of not doing it ‘right’.

Option 3:

Walk away. Do no more of this course. Ever. You have permission to not ‘have’ to do it at all.

Option 4:

Go even deeper. See this course and how you react to it as a magical spell. And know that the outcome will not only be more Good Fortune, but more information about you. Let this experience be magical on a new level. Enjoy even more Good Fortune for the next two weeks. Journal about what that brings up for you.

There is NO wrong answer. Whatever you choose, I hope that you will continue to focus on creating more good fortune in your life.

With so much love,

meghan signature


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